How to apply for EU citizenship

Looking for more opportunities in life, many wonder how to apply for an EU passport. Among some people, European citizenship is a prestigious status and an option to change their future prospects significantly. EU nationality offers such opportunities:

  • Visa-free travelling between EU countries and more than 170 destinations around the world;
  • Working in innovative companies, enhancing professional skills and salaries;
  • Studying at the most prestigious universities on favorable terms;
  • Opening accounts in European banks;
  • Buying property in EU countries without obtaining specific permits.
European Union flag. Legal relocation to EU states

Each EU state has separate rules on citizenship applications, which are grouped into immigration programs. Foreigners must comply with these requirements before getting a passport and enjoying the privileges described above. Below you will find information about how to apply for EU citizenship, tips on preparing for immigration and steps to take to minimize risks of rejection.

Preparation for immigration

Preparing for resettlement is a responsible process that should be taken seriously. To make a success when applying for an EU passport, following recommendations from legal experts is essential and analyzing the experiences of resettles reflected in reviews. Below are answers to three questions that inexperienced migrants often ask:

  • How to choose a destination country?

To get an EU passport swiftly, check your eligibility to obtain citizenship under simplified procedures. Some European states, such as Slovenia and Romania, have repatriation programs that allow receiving nationality within a year . If you can apply for a passport in one of these states, it is your best immigration choice. In other cases, choose the country where you would like to settle permanently.

  • How to prepare the appropriate dossier to get citizenship?

When submitting an application, you will need to provide officials with the relevant documents. They must be prepared in accordance with the legal requirements, some of them translated into a foreign language and notarized. The legal services of a lawyer will become mandatory. You should trust competent and experienced specialists, as unskilled work will result in the rejection of citizenship application.

  • How to find reliable information about the law and immigration procedures?

There are many articles, reviews and tips on the Internet that you can analyze to learn the citizenship application process. However, you should be aware that laws are changing, and information may be irrelevant, creating confusion. It is recommended to check official sources, such as the EU country's consulate website. For clarifications, contact immigration experts who advise on passport acquisition processes.

Application process in detail

How to apply for EU citizenship in the right order and in the legally correct way is an important question when considering relocation. This requires an understanding of the details of each state's immigration programs. The official procedures are different in every country, and therefore impossible to give a single piece of advice on how to navigate through them. For a general understanding of the process, the main stages of citizenship acquisition can be split into the following four phases:

How to apply for EU citizenship? Recomendations from Migration Centr
  1. Entering the country and accumulating sufficient grounds to obtain a passport. In most cases, a migrant must get an entry visa, acquire a residence permit and live in an EU state for a certain period of time. It is also necessary to comply with basic requirements, including not breaking the law, since it is a ground to refuse providing citizenship. It is also essential to learn the country's national language during the residence period to prepare for the relevant government examinations.
  2. Collect and submit documents. Once you have met all the conditions to acquire citizenship, you can apply. This procedure is carried out through certain immigration authorities, such as the Ministry of Justice, local municipalities, etc. The application must meet the legal requirements and be submitted in strict compliance with the legislation.
  3. Passing additional examinations and waiting for the officials' decision. In most cases, authorities will conduct an interview and test your language skills, knowledge of the country's culture and level of integration into society. However, this is not always mandatory. Find out from our experts how you can apply for citizenship without learning a foreign language.
  4. Taking the oath. If the authorities decide to grant you nationality, you will have to attend a formal ceremony. It will take place on the appointed date and time. After taking the oath, you will officially be granted citizenship.

Is it easy to get EU citizenship?

In this article we have looked at how to apply for EU citizenship. All the steps may seem simple, but there are nuances in each one. All it takes is one mistake in the immigration process to be denied. Even inexperience and nerves can stand in the way. That is why it is advisable to obtain an EU passport with the help of competent experts who will guide you through the legal procedures. Getting help from a professional is the most reliable way to make the citizenship acquisition processes easier.

Migration Centr