Immigration in EU: impact on the labor market and the job prospects for both immigrants and natives

In the EU, both native workers and immigrants must generally meet the same requirements in order to be considered for job opportunities. Employers are required to follow EU and national labor laws and regulations, which typically include non-discriminatory hiring practices based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, and nationality.

Impact on the labor market and the job prospects for both immigrants and natives

In most cases, job candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications, skills, and experience, regardless of whether they are a native worker or an immigrant. However, there may be some differences in the requirements that native workers and immigrants can meet, depending on the specific job or industry.

For example, in some situations, employers may demand that candidates have certain language skills or qualifications that are necessary for the job. On other occasions, employers may give preference to candidates who are already eligible to work in the EU, such as those who are EU citizens or have a valid work visa.

It is worth noting that EU citizens and some non-EU citizens who are authorized to work in the EU have certain legal rights and protections, including equal treatment in the workplace and the ability to access social security benefits. However, these rights and protections may not be extended to all immigrants, particularly those who are undocumented or working in informal sectors.

The impact of immigration on the labor market and job prospects for both immigrants and native-born workers can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the specific industry, the skills and qualifications of the workers, and the overall state of the economy. It is important for policymakers, employers, and workers to consider the potential benefits and challenges of immigration, and to work together to create policies and practices that support a strong and inclusive labor market for all workers.

The professional level of an immigrant employee can have a significant impact on the labor market and job prospects in the EU. Immigrants with high levels of education, skills, and experience may be highly sought after by employers in certain sectors, particularly in industries where there are labor shortages or a high demand for specialized knowledge or expertise. These highly skilled immigrants may also contribute to innovation and productivity growth in the wider economy.

At the same time, immigrants with lower levels of education and skills may face greater challenges in the labor market, particularly in industries where there is already high unemployment. These immigrants may be more likely to face discrimination or lower salary, and may struggle to access training and education opportunities that could help them advance in their careers.

How to become a resident on a basis of work?

 acquiring Residence permit on a basis of work

The procedure for acquiring a residence permit (RP) or permanent residence permit (PRP) in an EU state on the basis of work can vary depending on the country, but generally involves several steps:

  1. Apply for a work permit. Non-EU citizens usually need a work permit to be legally employed in the European Union states. The employer may need to apply for a work permit on behalf of the employee, or the employee may need to apply for a work permit by themselves.
  2. Obtain a visa. Non-EU citizens may need to obtain a visa before entering the EU. The type of visa required will depend on the length and purpose of the stay.
  3. Apply for a residence permit. The specific requirements for a residence permit will vary depending on the country, but may include proof of employment, accommodation, and financial means.
  4. Renew the residence permit. The documents for legally staying in the country are usually valid for a limited period of time, and may need to be renewed periodically (usually it expires in 1-3 years).
  5. Apply for permanent residence permit. After a certain period of time, usually 5 years, the immigrants who have been legally residing and working in an EU country may be eligible to apply for permanent residence permit.
Registration of residence permit

The specific requirements for obtaining a permanent residence permit in an EU country are as follows:

  • Time of residence. Non-EU citizens must usually have lived and worked in the country for a certain period of time, often five years or more, before becoming eligible for a permanent residence permit.
  • Employment. Non-EU citizens must often demonstrate that they have been employed for a certain period of time, and that they have paid taxes and made social security contributions.
  • Sufficient income. Immigrants are expected to prove that they have a certain level of income to support themselves and their dependents.
  • Knowledge of the language and culture. The applicants are required to know the local language and culture in order to qualify for a permanent residence permit.
  • No criminal record. Immigrants are demanded to follow the local laws and do not commit any crimes.

It is important for non-EU citizens who wish to obtain a permanent residence permit to research the specific requirements for their chosen country, and to consult with immigration experts or lawyers as needed.

Migration Centr